Guinness World RecordTM Attempt
Those wishing to take part in the record attempt had first to register, show their photo-id or their birth certificates to the officials. This was overseen by two witnesses , who in turn were overseen by an adjudicator, Ms. Katie Forde, sent over by the Guinness World RecordsTM organisation to make sure everything was done by the rules and to carry out the official count.
Signing in
Waiting begins, as does the rain
Katie Forde (on right in the picture), the official adjudicator, makes her way to the front of the crowd to announce the result
We've done it!!!
WE'VE DONE IT - the crowd go wild
The Guinness World RecordTM Cert. is Presented

The Guinness World RecordTM Certificate is presented to Adrian Gallagher by Katie Forde.
The Gallagher Anthem is played

After the presentation Frank Gallagher, the composer of the piece, conducts the Garda Band in a stirring rendition of the brand new piece of music, "The Gallagher Anthem". This had been specially commissioned by the Gallagher Clan organisation and this was its first public airing. Copies of a CD with the anthem can be had through the Clan at a cost of Euro 5.00 +P&P. See below for contact details.
The committee celebtates
The committee (with a few notable absentees from the picture) celebtates the victory after the hard work.
What would we have done without the helpers??

The assistance given by this group of ladies and one gent was invaluable.